我是一个漫画家。 我是一个因为不满意普通漫画家的日常工作,把自己用另一个名字画的ero漫画传遍了互联网,从而自毁了才华的二流漫画家。
我现在是在一个与我职业格格不入的度假胜地,而不是在我的办公桌前。 我面对的也不是我画的人物,而是我的三次元(大雷)姐妹……。
偏僻小岛上的 Cosplay 度假村–又名 「コスタリア」,一个 Cosplay 爱好者的寻梦之岛,整个小岛就是一个摄影棚。
你们是在建议我们做一些羞耻但令人兴奋 “角色扮演”,把我们彼此的O欲和情感充斥我们的粘膜吗?
尽管我一头雾水,但我的二弟发出了前所未有的声音:”好!让我们开始吧!来吧!” 我兴高采烈地回答道。
对不起,妈妈。 对不起,游客。 在这个梦想之岛上,我不得不丢弃我精心呵护的童贞之魂……
Role player:小粥姉妹の粘膜ポトレ ぐりぐちゃLIVE! (小粥姐妹♥粘膜游戏)
发行日期: 2021-06-25 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: AKABEiSOFT2
──本気で言ってるのか? 大丈夫か?
お互いの性欲と愛情をたっぷりと粘膜に塗り込んだ絶対 で き ち ゃ う あぶなくて気持ちいい「ロールプレイ」をしようと言うのか?!
困惑する俺の頭とは裏腹に俺のムスコは見たことが無いくらい「うん! やろう!」と元気よく返事していた。
CV: 深田 紗記子
The older of the Okayu sisters.
She lacks self-confidence and is bad at expressing herself. When not in cosplay, she finds communicating with others difficult.
However, when with family members or someone who she feels she can let her guard down around, her motherly, caring nature is revealed.
What's more, she has a strong sex drive, and is a closet pervert. That plus her caring personality makes her desire to sexually service others quite powerful.
Cosplaying under the pseudonym "Aeto", she is well known for cosplaying male characters in tandem with her sister Riru. Although nobody knows her true appearance, her name is famous in cosplaying circles.
She is a firm believer in cosplaying the entire character, not just their appearance, and so takes great pains to mimic the personality of the characters she cosplays as.
She cosplays as the character "Sera" from the erotic, isekai, harem, fantasy manga the protagonist publishes, "Torotoro Evoking".
CV: 空賀 花
The younger of the Okayu sisters.
She is hot-headed, and often hides her true feelings.
To outsiders, she puts up a serious and polite, if somewhat snide, front. However, in reality, this is simply posturing, since she is actually quite spoiled and lazy.
Partially due to her elder sister, Seira, she is fairly knowledgeable about sex. However, unlike her sister, she is not socially awkward, and so does not make this part of herself readily known.
She began cosplaying initially by simply tagging along with her sister, but is now a cosplayer in her own right, working under the pseudonym "Rieto".
As opposed to her sister, the thing she enjoys about cosplay is the way she can freely express herself and act how she really wants.
She cosplays as the character "Riruru" from the erotic, isekai, harem, fantasy manga the protagonist publishes, "Torotoro Evoking".

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