ゴールデンアワー (暂无译名)
发行日期: 2017-07-28 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: MORE
サッカー全国大会 地方予選決勝の直前、主人公・石森雄也は
気になる女の子・広瀬夏未 に対しても、どうせ自分なんてと興味のないフリをしていた。
放課後に時間を潰すためゲームセンターへ向かう雄也は、ユキ と名乗る少女と出会う。
彼女はとても似ていた。 広瀬夏未に。
彼女は突然 雄也に告げる。
CV: 岡本 理絵
Fukaya Academy, 3rd Grade (※ Department unknown)
A girl who looks identical to Hirose Natsumi, except her hair which is bright.
But the personality is completely opposite. Has a poisonous tongue and weak with domestic chores.
And yet has extreme confidence in herself, coming out of nowhere.
Is a gamer who possesses the ability to defeat Yuuya in a direct match, who proclaims himself to be the best in the game arcade.
Became acquainted because of this, somehow took upon the challenge of helping Yuuya with his love.
Has a hobby of taking pictures of the city's scenery with her smartphone.
"Don't worry. If you leave everything to me, it will be solved. Your love in just 5 seconds."
CV: 石原 舞
Fukaya Academy's General Education Department, 3rd Grade Class B.
An ******* model who is at the peak of her popularity.
Was a quite and simple otaku but after getting invited by her friend, started her ******* modelling job.
When noticed she was becoming a popular model, felt nice to be evaluated.
Is being troubled because of her fans waiting outside school gates.
Hobby is watching soccer.
"You were always shining inside my heart. That's why even now, surely..."
CV: 朋永 真季
Fukaya Academy's General Education Department, 3rd Grade Class B.
Former soccer club manager. Retired after the team got defeated at the prefectural level qualifying tournament for national atheletic meet.
Was confessed by the captain of the soccer club at that time and decided to go out with him.
She, herself have been always thinking about another person but thought that the captain is not a bad person and it is lonely to not have a boyfriend during one's period of youth.
"I was devoted to the soccer club for a long time, right? So, I thought I should get a boyfriend soon."
CV: 榎木 実佳
Fukaya Academy's General Education Department, 3rd Grade Class B.
For Yuuya, is a childhood friend and ex-girlfriend.
For a period, it became a long distance relationship. Because of that reason, they broke up.
Currently it is an awkward relationship with Yuuya, but seems to care about his disordered life.
Has gone till second base with Yuuya.
"Do you remember? The time of first kiss."
CV: 前田 恵
Fukaya Academy's General Education Department, 3rd Grade Class B.
Excellent in studies and neat appearance. Because of always having a bright smile, is popular among both men and women.
However, since she was a sheltered child and a single daughter, doesn't have any experience with romance. Because of that, whenever that topic comes up, gets flustered easily.
For some reason, has a two shot picture with Yuuya and is bewildered because none of them remembers it.
"I.. Even I can definitely have romance...Definitely... Probably"
CV: 松山 紗香
Fukaya Academy's General Education Department, 2nd Grade Class B.
She met Yuuya and others, when they were investigating the school every night, because of a rumour of a ghost Sayako appearing.
A girl who was mistaken as the actual Sayako because of having no presence.
Always acts alone and doesn't become friends with anyone. It doesn't seem like the character of the person is like this, but because of a different reason...
"Is senpai looking at me?"
CV: 中村 麻未
Fukaya Academy's General Education Department, 3rd Grade Class A.
Popular ******* model. The friend who invited Suzu to start modelling.
Has lot of support from men and is proud of that fact.
"I have a pretty face and good style. Looking like this, my character is good too?"
CV: 暂无
Former soccer club regular. Gets injured just before the match, and, unable to play anymore, he loses his goal in life and hope in better, just spending his days by killing time. He even gives up on his love life. But one day, on his way home, he meets a girl—

足球全国大赛地方预选赛决赛前,主人公・石森 雄也(いしのもり ゆうや)因伤病而失去了参赛的机会。
对于喜欢的女孩・広瀬 夏未(ひろせ なつみ)也是抱着“她肯定不会对我这种人感兴趣”这样的消极想法。放学后,为了消磨时光而奔向游戏厅的雄也,邂逅了一名叫做ユキ的少女。




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