KID在 2002年6月尾 公布Memories Off系列第三作:想い出にかわる君~Memories Off~( 以下简称 想君 )
◆ 「想い出にかわる君」这日文暂时来说 是没有一个 统一的中文意思
不过有一个英文翻译可参考:「You That Become A Memory 」
◆ 想君 推出的机种包括PS2、DC、PC等,亦有不同的 相关游戏产品,例如 动画OVA MO 3.5、杂锦游戏MO Mix 等
◆ 想君的人设改为 松尾ゆきひろ和舆水隆之担任,而不再是由佐佐木睦美负责
◆ 故事剧本:全部都由 绿犬ふう 编写
终於成为大学生的主人翁-加贺正午,因为嫌课程太闷太无聊,所以常常翘课到他最喜欢的cubic cafe和店长及三五好友一起度过的时间是最愉快的。在享受自由自在大学生活的同时,正午内心却有一种莫名的郁闷,那是因为几年前莫名消失的高中女友-黑须彼方。为什么没留下只字片语就突然消失了?许许多多的疑问盘旋在脑海久久不去,随著时间的流逝,不著痕迹的在心中留下伤痕。
想い出にかわる君 ~メモリーズオフ~ (沦为回忆的你 ~秋之回忆~)
发行日期: 2002-11-28 | 限制级: 否 | 开发商: KID
终於成为大学生的主人翁-加贺正午,因为嫌课程太闷太无聊,所以常常翘课到他最喜欢的cubic cafe和店长及三五好友一起度过的时间是最愉快的。在享受自由自在大学生活的同时,正午内心却有一种莫名的郁闷,那是因为几年前莫名消失的高中女友-黑须彼方。为什么没留下只字片语就突然消失了?许许多多的疑问盘旋在脑海久久不去,随著时间的流逝,不著痕迹的在心中留下伤痕。
CV: 福井 裕佳梨
Shougo's ex-girlfriend who suddenly dropped out and left him without a trace in high school.
Since her disappearance it has been impossible to contact her directly, but she appears in his life once again after a fateful encounter.
She's currently working as a very famous model, though she doesn't like talking about it.
Taken from url=, translated from the Japanese and partly translated from the Official Site.
CV: 川澄 綾子
First year student at the Law Department of Chihaya University, the same university Shougo attends. Isako has a sober and cool personailty. She is pretty but possesses a cold attitude and an unapproachable aura. But what is really on her heart?
Taken from url= and partly translated from the Official Site.
CV: 浅野 真澄
A girl who Shougo bumped into on the street. She's longing to something gorgeous. A teenage freeter like Shin. She doesn't go to high school but has has a part-time job to make a living. She's very true to her feelings.
Taken from url= and partly translated from the Official Site.
CV: 高橋 美佳子
Nicknamed Nayu. She is a first-year student of the Arts Department at Chihaya University, the same university Shougo attends. Nayu is full of energy, her presence always brightens up her surroundings. She loves designing avant-garde sculptures.
She and Isako are step sisters by way of Isako's dad marrying Nayuta's mom after the death of his wife.
Nayuta suspects that she may actually be the illegitimate child of Isako's dad and thus Isako's half-sister./
Taken from url= and partly translated from the Official Site.
CV: 暂无
A 2nd year high school student. Tamaki is definitely the quiet type of girl, and is almost never assertive. She sometimes helps Toby with his work. She likes Kenji Miyazawa's Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru.
Tamaki's school is located far away from her home... Why did she even move to this area?
Taken from url= and partly translated from the Official Site.
CV: 清水 愛
Neo is a second year student at Chihaya High who wants to become a food journalist. She is a part-time worker at the Cubic Cafe, the same place where Shougo works. Neo is Mifu's older sister, and she devotedly cares for her.
Taken from url= and partly translated from the Official Site.
CV: 暂无
First year student at Chihaya High, Neo's younger sister. She can't walk so she's confined to a wheelchair. Has a gentle and cheerful personality, likes flowers and poetry.
Taken from url= and partly translated from the Official Site.
CV: 那須 めぐみ
A childhood friend one day on a train en route to school. Yue is a lively and innocent, but clumsy girl. She is the main ******e of the story, and has a crush on Tomoya, but decided not to pursue him early on.
In Omoide ni Kawaru Kimi ~Memories Off~:
Yue is a first-year student in a nursing school. She wants become a nurse after she graduates. She overcame her past and is already dating someone.
She calls Shin's dog, Tomoya, after the name of the protagonist of Memories Off 2nd, Ken./
CV: 浅野 るり
Koyomi is actually a university student, but commutes to the school in order to substitute her mother as the cashier for the school for a week. She is kind and caring, but is also clumsy when collecting payments. She has two pet hamsters named Ggakdugi and Namul.
In Omoide ni Kawaru Kimi ~Memories Off~:
A fourth-year university student at the Economics Department and Shougo's senior; they met for the first time at his welcoming party.
Translated from the url= .
CV: 菊池 志穂
The older sister of Hotaru, Shizuru is in her third year in University. She is especially good at making deserts which Hotaru loves to eat. She has an interest in and is good at professional wrestling. She also has a habit of spoiling and caring about Hotaru, helping her out with her troubles with Ken. She is a kind-hearted person in nature.
Taken From url=
In "Omoide ni Kawaru Kimi ~Memories Off~" :
Shougo's senior at the university, a fourth-year student of the Literature Department. Shizuru still has a passion for wrestling and is training her techniques on both Koyomi and Shougo.
She also is a secondary character in Memories Off ~Sorekara~, working as the deputy manager at the same restaurant as Isshu.
Translated from the url= .
CV: 間島 淳司
A recurring character in each game in the Memories Off series. As a supporting character, Shin is good at understanding the protagonists, entertaining his surroundings and commenting the events in the story.
Usually, Shin is a freeter or a part-time worker. His appearance changes a bit throughout the series.
Shin owns a dog named Tomoya, which is called after the protagonist of the first game in the Memories Off series. Tomoya (the dog) always hangs around Shin in the games.
His roles in different games:
Omoide ni Kawaru Kimi ~Memories Off~:
A freeter. His favourite phrase is "Namaste" ("Hello" in Hindi). When he had lost his wallet during a trip in India, Tenchou helped him. Since then Shin feels grateful for his help and still feels like he owes him something. Lately, Shin has been interested in computers, so he is now saving money for buying one.
Memories Off ~Sorekara~:
It has been rumored that he is a candidate for the store manager of cafe Rusakku where he currently works.
Memories Off #5 Togireta Film; Memories Off #5 encore:
Haruto's neighbor. After returning from Nepal, Shin had started working part-time at cafe Rusakku with Mahiro. He is now looking out for his juniors, Mahiro and the others.
Translated from the url= .
CV: 岩田 光央
The manager of Cubic Cafe. He launched the cafe and became become self-employed since then. Tenchou has a baby-face which makes him look younger than he really is. He the owner of a pretty sharp tongue and a stubborn attitude when it comes to his cafe's cuisine.
He dies in a traffic accident in the After Story./
Translated from the url= .
CV: 宮田 幸季
He's helping in his family's fish shop, "Fish Force" ("Sakana-Ryoku"). Magurou aims to become a "man among men".
Japanese .
CV: 暂无
A suspicious street vendor. A shady man who is involved in dangerous business. His real identity is unknown. In Memories Off ~Sorekara~ he intervenes between Isshu and Inori, thus becomes an important key character in the story. Later it is revealed that he grew up in the same orphanage as Isshu. Furthermore, it has been assessed by Kanata and Shin that Toby's nature is not as bad as they say it is./
Translated from the url= .
CV: 西垣俊作
A mature-looking person who belongs to Nayuta's group. He was love with her so tries to get in the way of Shougo.
It should be noted that he wears 4 different T-shirts, each has one Japanese character on it. Every time he appears, he wears a different T-shirt, and the phrase he creates by wearing them in a specific order is "我田引水", which means "seeking one's own interests".
Translated from the url= .
CV: 宮川 美保
Nayuta's senior at the university. She has a part-time job at Cubic Cafe.
Translated from the url= .
![图片[2] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】秋之回忆 想君(秋之回忆3) / 想い出にかわる君~Memories Off~ / 想い出にかわる君 ~メモリーズオフ~ - Hikarinagi](秋之回忆 想君/1.jpg )
![图片[3] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】秋之回忆 想君(秋之回忆3) / 想い出にかわる君~Memories Off~ / 想い出にかわる君 ~メモリーズオフ~ - Hikarinagi](秋之回忆 想君/2.jpg )
![图片[4] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】秋之回忆 想君(秋之回忆3) / 想い出にかわる君~Memories Off~ / 想い出にかわる君 ~メモリーズオフ~ - Hikarinagi](秋之回忆 想君/3.jpg )