即Memories Off~それから~,《秋之回忆4》继“秋之回忆Memories Off 2nd”与“想君~秋之回忆系列”之后,被喻为秋之回忆系列巅峰代表作的最新续集:《秋之回忆4》再度引进。游戏剧情融合一、二代的梦幻与“想君”的现实风格,在谎言与真实之间,追求永恒的恋情。本作的时空背景依然是玩家所熟悉的千羽谷和浜咲学园。二代的人气女主角白河萤,白河静流和三代女主角黑须彼方也以分别学姐,代理店长和 艺人及花祭果凛和野乃原叶夜的好朋友 的身份在本作再度登场。柔美的画风,忧郁的音乐,交织出一股淡淡的哀愁,一代比一代更具震撼力的感人剧情,将要再一次引动玩家眼眶中的泪水!
不同于过去以单纯以 CG 静画引导剧情,这次的作品不仅在剧情中适时穿插动画,使玩家更能融入剧情。秋之回忆系列的名言“雨,何时才会停?”终于在本作呈现最真实的感觉,本作的剧情发生时间设定在寒冷的冬季,剧情中的下雨、下雪再也不是只有静画和音效,雨滴在画面上点点洒落,飞雪片片飘降,似乎就要从屏幕里飞出,在被陵祈抛弃的一蹴眼前,更显出自己心中的孤寂与悲伤。除此之外,耀眼的阳光闪动,美丽的樱花花瓣飞扬,种种特效伴随剧情演出,离开游戏以后,也许玩家的心仍然留在充满恋爱传说的浜咲学园……
Memories Off ~それから~ (秋之回忆:从今以后)
发行日期: 2004-06-24 | 限制级: 否 | 开发商: KID
CV: 近藤 奈々
The primary ******e of Memories Off 2nd, Hotaru is in her third year at Hamasaki High School. She often acts childish and immature, and is sometimes an airhead. Her favourite hobby is the piano. Her best friend is Tomoe, and Ken is her boyfriend.
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CV: 菊池 志穂
The older sister of Hotaru, Shizuru is in her third year in University. She is especially good at making deserts which Hotaru loves to eat. She has an interest in and is good at professional wrestling. She also has a habit of spoiling and caring about Hotaru, helping her out with her troubles with Ken. She is a kind-hearted person in nature.
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In "Omoide ni Kawaru Kimi ~Memories Off~" :
Shougo's senior at the university, a fourth-year student of the Literature Department. Shizuru still has a passion for wrestling and is training her techniques on both Koyomi and Shougo.
She also is a secondary character in Memories Off ~Sorekara~, working as the deputy manager at the same restaurant as Isshu.
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CV: 間島 淳司
A recurring character in each game in the Memories Off series. As a supporting character, Shin is good at understanding the protagonists, entertaining his surroundings and commenting the events in the story.
Usually, Shin is a freeter or a part-time worker. His appearance changes a bit throughout the series.
Shin owns a dog named Tomoya, which is called after the protagonist of the first game in the Memories Off series. Tomoya (the dog) always hangs around Shin in the games.
His roles in different games:
Omoide ni Kawaru Kimi ~Memories Off~:
A freeter. His favourite phrase is "Namaste" ("Hello" in Hindi). When he had lost his wallet during a trip in India, Tenchou helped him. Since then Shin feels grateful for his help and still feels like he owes him something. Lately, Shin has been interested in computers, so he is now saving money for buying one.
Memories Off ~Sorekara~:
It has been rumored that he is a candidate for the store manager of cafe Rusakku where he currently works.
Memories Off #5 Togireta Film; Memories Off #5 encore:
Haruto's neighbor. After returning from Nepal, Shin had started working part-time at cafe Rusakku with Mahiro. He is now looking out for his juniors, Mahiro and the others.
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CV: 志倉 千代丸
A suspicious street vendor. A shady man who is involved in dangerous business. His real identity is unknown. In Memories Off ~Sorekara~ he intervenes between Isshu and Inori, thus becomes an important key character in the story. Later it is revealed that he grew up in the same orphanage as Isshu. Furthermore, it has been assessed by Kanata and Shin that Toby's nature is not as bad as they say it is./
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CV: 小林沙苗
The main female character and the one with the true ending, Inori is a sweet girl that likes cooking, musicals and playing the piano. Inori is a third-year high school student. At the beginning of the story she is the girlfriend of Isshu, but she dumps him at the first part of the game. She met Isshu once when she was little but it seems that Isshu cannot remember it.
Inori also likes riddles. Inori believes in the prayer to Buddhist statue of of Soochin'nyan, and she says at every convenient time "Let's relay on the Soochin'nyan statue!".
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CV: 石原絵理子
In Memories Off ~Sorekara~:
A second-year high school student. Isshu's sister in law; she is his non-blood related sister, as Isshu was adopted. Yukari gets excellent grades, loves animals and often is pretty lonely. She also likes cooking, but if she's extremely bad at it. Even though she loves her brother, Yukari is often being cold to him. She also is a bit spoiled.
In Memories Off ~Sorekara again~:
A third-year high school student.
Memories Off 6 ~T-Wave~:
She contributes to Kanata's radio show "T-Wave" under the nickname "Damedame Imouto" (ダメダメ妹).
CV: 暂无
A third-year high school student and Isshu's classmate.
One of the most famous girls at the school, Miyabi is very intelligent and beautiful. She loves sweets and becomes childish when you know her better, even though on the outside she looks cold. She's in the same Naginata club as Ayumu.
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CV: 榎本 温子
Despite being a university student, Karin is a popular model and idol. She often visits the cafe Isshu and Haya work at. She acts like a rich lady in front of her fans, she has a limousine, but she actually loves jokes, has a strong sense of justice and is very mature. Her nickname is Rikarin and she uses that name at work. She seems to have a close relationship with Kanata, who happens to be a model as well.
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CV: こやま きみこ
(21 in ~Sorekara again~)
An airheaded freeter who works in the same cafe as Isshu. She refers herself in third person with the name Non. She is best friends of Karin and Kanata and loves keeping secrets.
In Memories Off ~Sorekara Again~, she doesn't wear glasses and works as a maid.
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CV: 暂无
The main male character and the one the player takes the role of. Isshu is a third-year high school student. He lives alone in an apartment and doesn't worry much about school. His girlfriend is Inori, but she dumps him at the beginning of the game. He works in a cafe called Narazuya and is a co-worker of Haya.
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CV: 小林 由美子
In Memories Off ~Sorekara~:
A second-year high school student who belongs to the Naginata club. She is an underclassman of Isshu that is in love with Shin and admires Miyabi and calls her "mentor". She introduces herself as Sayorin because she doesn't like her last name. Although she does not reveal her real name in the game, it is strongly hinted what her last name is. For example, she's aiming to be the "woman amongst women".
She's Rikimaru Shinkurou's younger sister./
Also, she's a capturable character, thus she has her own route.
In Memories Off ~Sorekara again~:
A third-year high school student.
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CV: 暂无
A third-year high school student who belongs to the Naginata club. Ayumu has one-sided rivalry with Miyabi. Also, she speaks in Kansai dialect.
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CV: 森田 成一
A young man who has been Karin's bodyguard, manager and chauffeur. Even though he is being called "Jiiya" (old man), he's only around 25 years old.
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CV: 村田 あゆみ
In Memories Off ~Sorekara~ and ~Sorekara again~:
A top model and multi-talented idol.
She's good friends with Karin and Haya, and she's also a frequent patron of Narazuya, the cafe Isshu and Haya work at.
She uses the name KANATA at work.
In Memories Off 6 ~T-Wave~:
Kanata remains active as a multi-talented idol, being popular mainly amongst young people.
Her only appearance in the story is as a radio DJ, under her KANATA alias.
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![图片[2] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】秋之回忆 从今以后(秋之回忆4) / Memories Off ~それから~ - Hikarinagi](秋之回忆 从今以后/1.jpg )
![图片[3] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】秋之回忆 从今以后(秋之回忆4) / Memories Off ~それから~ - Hikarinagi](秋之回忆 从今以后/2.jpg )
![图片[4] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】秋之回忆 从今以后(秋之回忆4) / Memories Off ~それから~ - Hikarinagi](秋之回忆 从今以后/3.jpg )