【Gal】【PC/汉化】Tiny Dungeon~BRAVE or SLAVE~

【Gal】【PC/汉化】Tiny Dungeon~BRAVE or SLAVE~


Tiny Dungeon终于出到最终章了——没人会死的☜:(谁说的没人死?) 
日文的游戏和动漫一样冗长,Tiny Dungeon系列已有2年的历史,而这次~BRAVE or SLAVE~将为这个“伟大”的系列画上圆满的句号? 


Tiny Dungeon ~Brave or Slave~ (暂无译名)

发行日期: 2012-07-27 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: Rosebleu










白河 紅 (暂无译名)

CV: 大久保藍子

Hime's roommate and the only other human attending the Trinity School. Kou is a skilled swordswoman and wielder of speed-enhancement and wind magic that allows her to compete with the best of the other races on equal terms. She is very close to Hime, with whom she has partnered since her entry into the school due to their fundamental lack of allies in the current student body. She is cool-headed and ambitious in the sense that she has a strong desire to fulfill her dream of graduating (a feat no human has managed so far). Like Hime, she has adopted an attitude of nonchalant resignation when it comes to the prejudice they suffer from the other races.

ヴェル=セイン (暂无译名)

CV: 小野 涼子

Veil is the daughter of Tria and the previous Maou of the demon world. She is also considered to be one of the single most powerful individuals in existence based on sheer magical power. Veil is completely and utterly devoted to Hime, having been saved by him after she tried to kill him and was betrayed, losing half her eight wings to the traitor. She calls herself 'Hime's magic' and her standards for what matters in life are completely based around what makes Hime happy and how to get Hime to love her. She will gladly obliterate anyone who harms or threatens to harm Hime, with a truly demonic degree of ruthlessness./

ノート=ルゥメ (暂无译名)

CV: 岡嶋 妙

She is the first princess of the Celestial Realm, known by the title 'The Grand Luna' for her perfectly silver hair, which signifies that her magical potential is the highest possible for a member of the divine race. She is something of a klutz outside of battle, and her personality (normally) is kind and gentle. However, she is also capable of being coldly ruthless when the situation calls for it. She is extremely weak to her sister Amia, who knows precisely how to push her buttons.

ウルル=カジュタ (暂无译名)

CV: ひと美

The current Queen of the Dragons and the last Gold Dragon. She calls Hime 'onii-sama' for reasons related to events previous to the story, and her trust in him is absolute. Despite her appearance, she is well into her second century of life, but her essential personality in normal times is innocent (and easily manipulated by Opera). Despite her seeming youth and innocence, she is capable of a degree of resolve that few others in the story can match.

アミア=ルゥム (暂无译名)

CV: 田口 宏子

Second Princess from the Celestial Realm. Because of her personality, and curiosity towards ancient magic, she started researching powerful Ancient Spells, which lead to her being specialized in offensive magic, instead of support magic like all the other people from the Celestial Realm.

オペラ=ハウス (暂无译名)

CV: 友永 朱音

Ururu's personal Maid. Her hobbies include teasing Ururu and (to varying extents based on her whim at a given moment) everyone else around her. During the war, she was known for being one of the more frightening opponents one might have the grave misfortune of encountering.

フォン=テルム (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The second in command of the current demon realm. She is directly in the service of Toria and in charge when Toria isn't present in the demon realm. She is known for her ruthlessness and absolute devotion to the good of the demon race and Toria in particular. Due to events in the past, she has a deep hatred for the dragon half of her bloodline and Ururu in particular. /

ミヤ (暂无译名)

CV: 櫻井 浩美

The incarnation of Gen's daughter in the World Between. She is desperate to save her own life and absolutely ruthless in the pursuit of her own survival, even to the extent of deliberately making the situations in the 'doors' worse. While she is attracted to Hime's kindness, she sees him as an adversary in the pursuit of her own survival, just as much as Kamishia. She uses powerful barrier magic to both defend herself and create incredible destruction. Like Kamishia, her personality has been somewhat changed/warped by her experiences in the World Between. /

カミシア (暂无译名)

CV: 小林 眞紀

One of the two Denizens of the World Between. She is a 'what-if' version of Shar that was supposed to only exist in the space where the doors to the future exist and vanish after Hime picked one. Because Shar was destined to die in all three of the original 'doors', she had to hope that Hime would succeed in creating a door that would give her a chance to live. Like Shar, she loves Hime deeply and thinks of/calls him Papa, but her emotions are more that of a woman in love than those the little Shar felt for Hime as a father figure. Due to her experiences, she lacks Shar's innocence, and she has developed a finely-tuned sense of mischief. /

シャル=ルトル (暂无译名)

CV: 小林 眞紀

A little girl who attaches herself to Hime early in the story and calls him Papa. She adores Hime and, through him, his friends. She is a true innocent who is perfectly honest in her interactions with the older characters, meaning (of course) that they adore her in turn.

白鷺 姫 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The protagonist of the Tiny Dungeon. A serious, straightforward and kind-hearted young man. He entered Trinity hoping to one day be of help to others as the human hero of the great war was. He has a strong and unbending will that never gives in to prejudice or his own suffering. He has 'good eyes' and a great sense of tactics and strategy, but he is limited by his lack of experience and a proper mentor.

Due to an event in his youth, he failed to obtain the ritual weapon that would have allowed him to use magic, and as a result, he is the only person at the school who cannot wield magic. /

デイル=グラン (暂无译名)

CV: 丸山 竜一

A cheerful and easygoing young demon race man who takes an interest in Hime after certain events early in the story. Unlike some of the other central characters, he was born with a relatively low degree of magical power, but, through polishing his skills and harsh training, has managed to become one of the strongest in the second year at the school. He is well-liked by his fellows, and he is rarely seen alone. However, when he is with Hime's group he ends up playing the perverted best male friend.

ラーロン=ハデラ (暂无译名)

CV: 泰 勇気

An arrogant young demon who looks down on commoners and all races other than demons in general and humans in particular. His obsession with his own bloodline (which is that of a Demon Lord) and his belief in his own power are the center of his world.

バリアリーフ=クリート (暂无译名)

CV: 緒田 マリ

A dragon known during the great war as a hunter of demons (a talent and skill that overturned the usual racial weaknesses, since dragons are generally weak to demons ability to attack directly with magical energy). Currently, she is a teacher at Trinity, and the homeroom teacher for Hime's class. Normally, she is a strict but kind teacher, but when it comes to Ururu, like most dragons, she becomes a an adoring groupie.

ルアン=ルゥム (暂无译名)

CV: いのくち ゆか

The Queen of the Celestial Realm. She is also Note's and Amia's mother. / She is the caretaker of the women's dorm at Trinity and generally displays a strong love of housekeeping. A veteran of the great war, she was known for being the single strongest individual when on the defense in all the four worlds. Her personality is cheery and motherly.

サン=ミリオ (暂无译名)

CV: 荻原 秀樹

Prime Minister of the Celestial Realm. He is on of the greatest leaders and warriors of the Celestial Race to have participated in the Great War and survived. Except when it comes to Note's mother, he is strictly rational and logical in his judgments, and he is utterly trustworthy in his current position.

トリア=セイン (暂无译名)

CV: 稲田 佳乃香

Veil's mother, the current leader of the demon world, and Principal of the Trinity School. She is a veteran of the inter-world war that devastated all the races and their worlds twenty years ago. She is a heavy drinker, loves teasing her daughter, and she can generally be relied on to either throw herself into or cause trouble on a regular basis. That said, she cares deeply about the school and her students, and she believes strongly in the philosophy behind the school's founding.

ゲン (暂无译名)

CV: 乃村 健次

A large man with an easygoing attitude and incredible skill with a sword. He is the human hero who ended the Mekkai Sensou (The War between the Worlds). Miya is the incarnation of his daughter in the World Between, and he comes at her call, intent on saving her. Like Hime, he was once presented with the choice of doors, in his case between ending the war early and losing his wife in the process or saving his wife in exchange for allowing the war to continue until the worlds were exhausted. He made the hard choice of sacrificing his wife and saved the four worlds. However, all he received in exchange was the anti-magic sword, Konjoutou, which negates magic directed at the user in exchange for devouring the world's memories of the user. This is the reason why none of the people at the school remember Gen, and why his daughter and adopted daughter have both forgotten him. /

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【Gal】【PC/汉化】Tiny Dungeon~BRAVE or SLAVE~ - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/汉化】Tiny Dungeon~BRAVE or SLAVE~


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