天結いラビリンスマイスター (天结神缘2)
发行日期: 2021-07-21 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: Eushully
驰骋于 インフルース王国 的巨大兵器『グアラクーナ城砦』,
擅长建设迷宫、修复、筑城等等技能的锻梁师 アヴァロ,
为了修复城寨日夜不断努力,并与恋人兼主人的天缘神 フィア 过著安稳的日子。
『精灵クーナ』作为 グアラクーナ城砦 的化身诞生于城寨之中,
アヴァロ 和 フィア 为了寻找 精灵クーナ 诞生的理由,
运用精灵的力量让 グアラクーナ城砦 恢复移动功能,再次踏上冒险旅途。
舞台位于比 インフルース王国 更东北方的国家,
CV: 幡宮 かのこ
A hidden character only available in the second playthrough. She calls herself an angel maid though she looks more like a demon. She has the ability to change into a bat-like creature.
She's one of the Eushully sisters
CV: 暂无
フィユシア教の聖地である“神響の霞廊”を目指す。An itinerant half-elf 鍛梁師 (magicians capable of civil engineering, archaeology and invention of new contraptions) who is lured to the Influss kingdom and its recent discovery of ancient ruins in hopes of securing stable long-term employment to fulfil his dream of managing his own atelier.
An accident leads to his inadvertent awakening of the goddess Fia sealed deep within the ruins. He becomes Fia's apostle to aid her in reaching her goal in exchange for free use of the Guaracouna fortress as his atelier.
Avaro is initially sceptical of Fia's claims but is gradually won over to her cause. He is even willing to take on the rest of civilisation in defence of his deity when Marsterria threaten to destroy the fortress which is seen as a taboo amongst the gods who hold sway.
Depending on player actions, Avaro either learns of the fate that befell his parents and plays a crucial role in fulfilling Fia's goal or is forced to kill Fia to prevent her from bringing disaster on the world. For the latter, he is spared the fate of God-slayers as Fia removes the bond binding him as her apostle before she dies. /
CV: 暂无
Leader of the itinerant group "水闘獣の針団" normally based in the Influss kingdom offering construction and maintenance services to outlying villages.
Diethelm taught Avaro everything he knows about his craft, in return Avaro taught Diethelm the secrets of mechanical weapons leading to Diethelm's wielding of the mechanical crossbow as his preferred weapon.
He has a wife and child, over the course of the story his second child is born which is a factor behind his decision to take up Avaro's offer of setting up shop inside the castle after an "accident" involving Diethelm's caravan and the castle jack operation.
CV: 暂无
One of the ancient nature spirits who serves the pantheon of Elven gods, she holds command over the elemental spirits of wind and drives out would-be robbers of the labyrinth she inhabits with violent gusts.
She awakens when Fia and the party approach her labyrinth but is initially hostile when they make contact. After she is subdued, she is revealed to be a flirt who takes a liking to Avaro. /
Although bound under Fia's command, she is very whimsical and prioritises personal enjoyment over the will of her master.
CV: 綾音 まこ
A descendant of a heralded lineage of magicians, a botched summoning led to a curse being cast on Micri. Every time she attempts to sleep, the curse will physically prevent her from doing so (usually by random objects physically colliding with her as she dozes off). As a result of the curse, she can only sleep fitfully and has heavy bags under her eyes which others mistake at first glance to be a baleful stare.
Micri journeys to Grasesta to register as an adventurer. The demon responsible for her curse, Metsekhmat, was once bound to the service of the Demon Sovereign Rikshima. Micri hopes to learn more about what happened to the demon in hopes of lifting the curse which afflicts her.
Judar quickly identifies the reason behind Micri's inability to sleep and partially solves the problem by acting as a living shield deflecting anything hurled at Micri to disrupt her sleep.
A chance discovery in the abandoned laboratory leads to Lilica finding a coffin which has the power to nullify Micri's curse while she sleeps in it. Micri in turn through a series of unfortunate events eventually finds out the cause of her curse as well as the tribe of incubi who were Metsekhmat's followers. She pretends to be Metsekhmat's incarnation when the incubi hail her as their queen, and is later forced to fight Judar and his party when they turn up to rescue her at the incubi tribe.
Although Metsekhmat essence was destroyed, it formed a "Disaster" portal of its own and Micri chooses to enter it when Iuset detects it later in the story. Inside the portal part of Metsekhmat's soul eventually succeeds in possessing Micri, forcing Judar and his party to fight Micri. Upon victory, Metsekhmat is destroyed but her essence and powers become Micri's to control. She then assumes the role of incubi queen but returns to Judar's party to repay them for the help they gave her to break her curse.
By the end of the story she has returned to rule over Iuset and the other incubi and is to all intents and purposes a member of demonkind herself. She does attend the coronation ceremony as a VIP. /
CV: 拝師 みほ
CV: 暂无
CV: 暂无
CV: ほたる
CV: 青梅 ゆづる
CV: 暂无
CV: 種﨑 敦美
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