【Gal】【PC/汉化】初音岛Ⅰ P.C. / D.C.~ダ・カーポ~

【Gal】【PC/汉化】初音岛Ⅰ P.C. / D.C.~ダ・カーポ~












D.C.~ダ・カーポ~ (初音岛)

发行日期: 2002-06-28 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: CIRCUS







如此,宛如Da Capo般循环往复,




白河 さやか (暂无译名)

CV: 森山 理来

Sayaka is a fine young lady often misunderstood, ignored and hated by the villagers of Tokiwa because of her father, Ritsu-sensei, who is an eccentric painter that excels in the art of "Death". His passion for painting has also passed unto Sayaka. The painting world became a sanctuary for Sayaka and she is often seen painting at her family's art studio together with her only trusted friend Kamishiro Souji. Despite her seniority over Souji, she sometimes acts like his junior even to the point of asking him to be her tutor. When she feels tired or has nothing else to do, she is always seen taking a nap in the hammock near her house.

Hobbies: Painting, naps (in a hammock)
Likes: Pumpkins, scarecrows (strange ones), long phone conversations
Basic Behavior: She is honest to herself, gets angry easily, and overreacts to things.

Edited from url=http://www.mangagamer.com/detail.php?product_code=43MangaGamer and neo-X-saga's Walkthrough

朝倉 音夢 (暂无译名)

CV: 野川 さくら

Nemu is Jun'ichi's adopted sister. She is actually in love with Jun'ichi and becomes mad when any other girl shows affection to him and uses "accidental" violence to stop the affection between him and another person. She wears a bell as an accessory, given to her by Jun'ichi when they were young. When her mood turns sour, she becomes excessively polite and antisocial, a condition that Jun'ichi calls "hidden Nemu". Her cooking is described as lethal, to the point that Jun'ichi quietly calls her the "Murderous Chef".

芳乃 さくら (暂无译名)

CV: ひと美

Jun'ichi's cousin and first love. She is a very lively girl who shows great affection towards Jun'ichi, much to Nemu's dismay. She is sometimes seen with Utamaru, a white cat. Actually older than Jun'ichi. She inherited her grandmother's magical ability, and despite the passing of several years, her appearance remains largely unchanged from what Jun'ichi and Nemu remember. Has an IQ of 180.

白河 ことり (暂无译名)

CV: 西村 ひな

Kotori is the school's idol and star singer. Although she can hear other people's thoughts, she carefully hides this ability./ She became close to Jun'ichi because he was the only one in the male student body that didn't try to idolize her. She has a habit of using cute greetings to people she feels especially close to.

水越 萌 (暂无译名)

CV: 伊月 ゆい

Moe is a gentle girl who is often seen throughout the series sitting on the roof at lunchtime cooking and eating nabe with her younger sister, Mako. She is very polite, but can be dim-witted at times, and can fall asleep anywhere at any time, even when she's walking. Sometimes she carries a small xylophone, although it's not because she wants to be a good player of said instrument. She is very knowledgeable about nabe, and can talk for hours about said subject.

In reality, the reason why she sleeps so often is due to her taking sleeping pills to see her deceased childhood friend, Keiichi, in her dreams./

水越 眞子 (暂无译名)

CV: 松岡 由貴

Mako is a close friend of Nemu and is often concerned about her. She can be angered easily. She has been rivals with Suginami ever since elementary school and they often quarrel. During lunch, she can often be found on the rooftop with her sister, Moe, enjoying some nabe. She and her sister Moe are the daughters of a wealthy hospital director, and they also have a younger brother.

天枷 美春 (暂无译名)

CV: 倖月 美和

Miharu is an android patterned after/ a childhood friend of the Asakura family with the same name, and is thus experiencing lots of things for the first time/. Her enthusiasm often overrules her common sense, and Jun'ichi often has to get her out of sight when her circuits start to overload/. Like her namesake/, she enjoys eating bananas. The real-life/ Miharu adores Nemu, and behaves much like a little puppy around her.

鷺澤 美咲 (暂无译名)

CV: 中田 順子

Misaki is a young girl who stays at home, looking out at the world, and Yoriko is her cat. Yoriko jumps out of Misaki's window to see the world in her place, and was transformed into a maid with cat ears. Yoriko has a fear of people after an incident with some children, and it takes her a long time to venture outside.

杉並 (暂无译名)

CV: 小西 克幸

Suginami is Jun'ichi and Nemu's classmate and often gives Jun'ichi advice about relationships with girls. Although he is an excellent athlete, a top student, and good-looking, his oddly disturbing personality causes most people to keep their distance from him. He enjoys teasing Mako and dragging Jun'ichi into various situations.

朝倉 純一 (暂无译名)

CV: 能登 麻美子

Jun'ichi is the protagonist of Da Capo, whose role the player assumes. While loathing trouble and bother, he seldom turns his back on someone in need. Jun'ichi has the ability to utilize magic, he can create wagashi with magic at the dispense of calorie, as taught to him by him and Sakura's grandmother. Like other characters, Jun'ichi is affected by the unwilting sakura tree, from which he gained his power to observe the dreams of other characters.

白河 暦 (暂无译名)

CV: 松井 菜桜子

Koyomi is Jun'ichi's homeroom teacher, one of the faculty's science teachers, and Kotori's older sister. She is also a researcher at the Amakase Laboratory, and in charge of the android, Miharu./

うたまる (暂无译名)

CV: 倖月 美和

Supposedly a cat. Her appearance is rather unusual, and she often moves by hopping rather than crawling. Sakura claims that she does not own Utamaru.

胡ノ宮 環 (暂无译名)

CV: 黒河 奈美

Tamaki is the student of Kazami affiliated junior high class 3-1 and a miko at the local Shinto shrine. She inherited her mother's ability to see into the future. She first appears in Jun'ichi's class as a transfer student, declaring him to be her fiancé. She uses her archery skills to prevent people from getting hurt in foreseen accidents.

月城 アリス (暂无译名)

CV: 萩原 えみこ

Alice is a half-Japanese, half-northern-European. Having lost her parents at an early age, she lives with her butler, Seba, and several other helpers in a mansion on Hatsunejima. Incapable of speaking for herself or presenting her feelings, she communicates with others through her puppet Philos (ピロス Pirosu). Philos gets the ability to speak for Alice through the power of the magical sakura tree. Having spent time in a circus she has exceptional reflexes, but she is unable to swim. She is also good friends with Miharu who is in the same class as her, and Aisia who has came from the same region as she did.

彩珠 ななこ (暂无译名)

CV: 浅野 真澄

Nanako is a young shoujo manga artist. She is quite popular under the pen-name Tamagawa Ayako and under constant pressure to write new chapters of her latest series, "Magical Chiffon". She is a bit accident-prone, and also runs into mishaps with paper-loving, white goats for some reason.

工藤 叶 (暂无译名)

CV: 鹿島 歩

Kanae is the student of Kazami affiliated junior high class 3-1 and part of a trio with Jun'ichi and Suginami, and a good friend of Kotori. While being a girl, she keeps up a male appearance to attend school under her grandmother's instructions. Only Kotori and several teachers including Koyomi know of her true gender. She is always absent during physical checkups to prevent her gender being found out./ Originally only mentioned by last name in the first game as a sub-character with no dialogue.

紫 和泉子 (暂无译名)

CV: 桑谷 夏子

Izumiko is an alien dressed in a pink bear suit which is actually a protective suit. While appearing by projection to most people as a "beautiful, slender girl with long black hair", Jun'ichi could never see this image and only sees her in a pink bear suit. Stranded on earth about 820 light years from home, she works part-time (amusingly, as a pink bear mascot) to support herself. Her name is actually only an alias, based on the names of the Japanese poets Murasaki Shikibu and Izumi Shikibu, and her real name is not known. Izumiko has no dialogue in either anime series but occasionally appears as a passerby.

森川 知子 (暂无译名)

CV: 服部 加奈子

Just like Mikkun, Tomoko is part of a band led by Kotori, where she plays the bass guitar. She is a faithful friend who is always ready to help her bandmates, Kotori and Mikkun. But sometimes she acts like an airhead.

佐伯 加奈子 (暂无译名)

CV: ひと美

A pianist in the band formed with Kotori and Tomoko, as well as their best friend. This girl has special feelings for her brother, which sometimes turns into erotic fantasies. So it's not surprising that her nickname "Mikkun" comes from the name of her brother, Mikihiko.

ブリッヂ長官 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A mysterious goat, which got the "Bridge Choukan" nickname from Suginami. He is sometimes accompany Suginami, and plays some role in his pranks.
This animal is the worst nightmare for the talented schoolgirl Nanako Saitama, since the manga she draws is his favorite food.

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【Gal】【PC/汉化】初音岛Ⅰ P.C. / D.C.~ダ・カーポ~ - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/汉化】初音岛Ⅰ P.C. / D.C.~ダ・カーポ~


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