【Gal】【PC/汉化】D.C.II To You ~ダ・カーポII~トゥーユー サイドエピソード

【Gal】【PC/汉化】D.C.II To You ~ダ・カーポII~トゥーユー サイドエピソード







D.C.II To You ~ダ・カーポII~トゥーユー サイドエピソード (暂无译名)

发行日期: 2009-06-26 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: CIRCUS

A collection of 4 short side stories.
The first one tells about the events of a decade ago, when Yoshiyuki was adopted by Asakura family.
From the second story we'll learn how Yoshiyuki became friends with Wataru and Suginami, and how the Setsugekka trio was formed.
The third story is about a close friendship of Miki and Mahiru, when she was still alive.
The fourth story is an alternate reality, which tells how in one rainy day Sakurai picked up a broken "μ", who was thrown out by heartless owner, and how strongly he became attached to her.


朝倉 音姫 (暂无译名)

CV: ミルノ 純

Likes: Wagashi, acting like the ideal older sister
Dislikes: Perverted things, ghosts

Yume's older sister and non-blood-related older sister of Yoshiyuki. In contrast to the withdrawn and sullen character in her childhood, now Otome has turned into a sweet and caring girl. However, she sometimes switches to the "moralist mode" and lectures her carefree brother, but only does so with good intentions.
Otome is upset of the fact that Yoshiyuki is too shy to take baths with her as they used to when they were younger. The way she sometimes straightens Yoshiyuki's collar in front of others looks more like a wife's care rather than a sister's. Therefore, some funny people never miss a chance to tease them.
Otome is a proactive and responsible girl, so it's not surprising that she became the head of the Student Council. But in addition to other troubles, a more serious burden will fall on her shoulders. One day, she'll have to make the most difficult and dramatic choice in her life.

朝倉 由夢 (暂无译名)

CV: 春夏 ひとみ

Likes: Bathing, jerseys
Dislikes: Stubborn people, high places

Otome's younger sister and non-blood-related younger sister of Yoshiyuki, who looks very much like Nemu in her youth, which isn't surprising, considering that Nemu is her grandmother. As a child, Yume was friendly and cheerful girl, but after growing up she became lazy and grumpy, having inherited a habit of saying "What a pain in the neck" from her grandfather, Jun'ichi. However, she acts like that only at home.
At school, she is popular among the boys. Maybe her character is influenced by the special feelings that she has for her brother, but can't reveal them to him. And the magic cherry tree gave her a special gift, which eats her from the inside.

杉並 (暂无译名)

CV: 岸尾 だいすけ

Suginami is a classmate and one of Yoshiyuki's male friends. However, you can call it a fatal friendship, as Suginami constantly pulls the protagonist to the various kind of troubles, what makes him angry. This mysterious guy is often comes up with some tricks, testing the patience of the Student Council. Suginami has an interest in paranormal phenomena and tries to investigate it. He happens to look and act almost exactly like Suginami from D.C.I.

板橋 渉 (暂无译名)

CV: 福山 潤

An idiot, a pervert, and a hopelessly frivolous guy who sometimes participates in Suginami's pranks. At the same time, he is a good friend and classmate of Yoshiyuki. Wataru is always jealous of his popularity with the girls and complains about it pretty often. He is also in a band together with Nanaka and Koko, where he plays the drums. In addition, he is secretly in love with Tsukishima.

桜内 義之 (暂无译名)

CV: 立花 慎之介

Sakurai is a kind, responsive and gentle guy, who without knowing it, is popular among the girls. He grew up as a foster child in the Asakura family house, along with Otome, Yume and old man Jun'ichi. But he doesn't remember anything about his real parents and about his past to the point when he met Sakura. Yoshiyuki can create Japanese sweets with magic and sometimes can see the dreams belonging to people close to him. This guy will have to conquer many hearts of various girls, revealing their innermost secrets.

朝倉 純一 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Jun'ichi was the protagonist of D.C.I. Now he is an old man and doesn't participate in the story of Da Capo II almost at all. He can still create Japanese sweets and still hasn't gotten rid of his habit of saying "What a pain in the neck." Jun'ichi has a pair of granddaughters, Otome and Yume. He is willing to do anything for the sake of their happiness.

芳乃 さくら (暂无译名)

CV: ひと美

Likes: Japanese sweets, historical dramas
Dislikes: Green peppers, carbonated drinks

From the time when the events of D.C.I took place, Sakura hasn't changed at all. Neither inside nor outside. She became the director of Kazami School, and got a new pet, a cheerful dog called Harimao. Combining mysterious thoughtfulness of a witch and childish behavior of a little girl, Sakura continues to feed the main storyline of Da Capo game series. Sakura had cultivated a new species of the magical cherry tree and planted it on the Hatsune Island. What kind of a wish did she make this time?

朝比奈 ミキ (暂无译名)

CV: 長谷川 明子

Miki when she was still a student in Kazami Academy. She was a member of the track and field club and also Mahiru's best friend till the bitter end.

小鳥遊 亜沙 (暂无译名)

CV: 石原 愛依梨

Asa is warm-hearted and hospitable woman who gave birth to Mahiru.

水越 舞佳 (暂无译名)

CV: 浅川 悠

Maika in her youth was a friend and senpai of Miki Asahina. She is kind and responsive girl, who always ready to give some wise advice to comfort her friend. She is a diligent student and also a member of Brass Music club.

小鳥遊 真哉 (暂无译名)

CV: 坪井 智浩

Mahiru's father. Shin'ya is very cheerful and positive person, who taught his daughter to come up with the comparisons and pronounce them as the tongue twisters.

朝倉 由姫 (暂无译名)

CV: 伊藤 静

Yume and Otome's mother who died three month after Yoshiyuki was adopted into their family.

She is from a family of magicians which has lived for many generations. This fact explains why Otome is an magician. Her maiden name is Katsuragi./

磯鷲 涼芽 (暂无译名)

CV: ひと美

The previous student council president before Otome. She is arrogant, assertive and a little bit crazy. Having poor eyesight, she wears contact lenses.

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【Gal】【PC/汉化】D.C.II To You ~ダ・カーポII~トゥーユー サイドエピソード - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/汉化】D.C.II To You ~ダ・カーポII~トゥーユー サイドエピソード


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