恋爱方面,却只能在远处观望着自己憧憬的学生会会长真加辺碧(まかべ みどり)。
初恋1/1 (暂无译名)
发行日期: 2012-06-29 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: tone work's
主人公は名門公立・星岡学園 の二年生。
色恋といえば、憧れの人・生徒会長の 真加辺碧(まかべ みどり) を遠巻きに眺めるだけ。
“学食向上委員会” の志望者が一人もおらず、存亡の危機に立たされているらしい。
一番の理解者である幼なじみ。 悪戯好きで、好奇心旺盛な新入学生。
料理に情熱を燃やす悪友的クラスメイト。 クールで、誰とも関わり合おうとしない不真面目学生。
CV: 田中 涼子
Hoshioka Gakuen student council president and Yuuma's senpai. Like from a manga, she is an honor student with no faults that portrays upright behavior. Gentle yet awe-inspiring, she is admired by all the students. Grew up in a very strict family environment, part time jobs, cell phone and love are all strictly prohibited. Although she feels that studying and student council work are very substantial, she often feels like she has yet to experience an ordinary and fun school life.
CV: 田口 宏子
Junior student at Hoshioka Gakuen and Yuuma's classmate.
Kyou was the ace of the basketball club, but because she was busy helping out at home, her club activities have been put on hold.
She is a very lively and cheerful girl and will do anything that comes to mind with impunity. In addition, she is friendly with both genders which often causes misunderstandings.
Her family runs a pizza delivery shop. Once pizza is mentioned, she will talk nonstop, but be warned… if someone shows contempt towards pizza in front of her, she will go ballistic. While she likes making fun of Yuuma, she also lets him work at the pizza shop.
CV: 大久保藍子
Freshman student at Hoshioka Gakuen. An acquaintance of Yuuma and Yukino from their childhood, she holds Yuuma in high regard due to the fact he was very kind to her then. She feels like she is mature now, and is planning on having the protagonist fall in love with her, but the result is that she failed to create any significant effect. Due to her lack of feminine charms, she can be pretty cranky, so she is indulged with random knowledge all day long, and is looking for ways to improve her charm.
CV: 櫻井 浩美
Junior student at Hoshioka Gakuen and Yuuma's classmate, a standard coodere. Being late and leaving early are common for her, recognized by Yuuma and everyone else as a bad student. Her classmates keeps their distance from her, but she herself does not seem to mind. When she was young, she was an actress under the stage name of "Misaki Maya" and has had roles in several movies and TV shows. She was regarded as genius child actress. She does not mention her actress past, nor does she allow anyone to ask.
CV: 石原 愛依梨
Yuuma's childhood friend and a lover of shoujo manga. She has unique gentle qualities, and makes the people around her feel warm. Because she is such a cute and gentle girl, her popularity with the boys is very high. The rumors of them dating is pretty widespread. Although she cannot confirm her feelings clearly, when her relationship with the protagonist as lovers is denied, even if its true, she feels very sad. In short, she is in a delicate state.
CV: 暂无
Yukino's childhood friend, with whom he spent his first year of high school in the same class and Runa who just arrived at high school. Like his friends Mitsukuni and Kaoru and many other high school students, he is a great admirer of the pretty president of the student council, Makabe Midori and a huge fan of the actress Saeki Rion.
For his second year, Yuuma met Kyou and Maya, two of his classmates with whom he gets along quite well. Although not well known in class, he isn’t someone with no presence at all, just a high school junior you can find anywhere. Being nosy and having bad luck are his main traits. Sometimes he regrets his school life.
CV: 水瀬 沙季
The school cafeteria cook who started working less than a year ago at the cafeteria. She tries to restart the cafeteria alone, without success.
Her husband was a Don Juan with an athletic physique at the beginning of their newlyweds' lives and Nagumo loves to cook for him. Now her husband is obese and she regrets having made him eat so much. Now, she is obsessed with healthy cooking but her dishes do not meet the success expected at school...
CV: 永田 佳代
An actress who bullied Maya as a child. She claimed to be Maya's friend since their first film shot together as children. This friendship is one-sided because Maya is upset over Rion's past treatment of her./
CV: 吉田 愛理
Hoshioka Gakuen student Women's basketball captain and a second-year student who started competing in basketball at college. It was during an inter-school match that she met Kyou who was on the opposing team. Kyou's play style hypnotized her. She decided to go to the same high school as Kyou to play on the same team as her.
She's saddened that Kyou doesn't come to practice games anymore and wants her to come back but...
![图片[2] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】初恋1/1/ 初恋1/1 - Hikarinagi](初恋1/1/1.jpg )
![图片[3] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】初恋1/1/ 初恋1/1 - Hikarinagi](初恋1/1/2.jpg )
![图片[4] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】初恋1/1/ 初恋1/1 - Hikarinagi](初恋1/1/3.jpg )