【Gal】【PC/汉化】水仙3 / narcissu 3rd -Die Dritte Welt- 

【Gal】【PC/汉化】水仙3 / narcissu 3rd -Die Dritte Welt- 



而SIDE 2nd的故事背景则在narcissu的6年前,描写女主角“濑津美”和她身边的人们的过去的另一个故事。 


在这个电子小说发布的一年前,他参与过的商业作品弹珠汽水的附加模式之一,Staff Room中片冈写的一个小故事“中学时代的事(中坊の日のこと)”,当中提到两个男生和一个长期患病的少女“S美”的故事。而这个故事中“S美”被猜测为本作同是长期患病女主角“セツミ”,刚好罗马拼音“Setsumi”是S开始,日文汉字写法“濑津美”是“美”结束。因此亦被猜测为此作的最初蓝本。 

片岡とも很少提及关于剧本内容的创作动机。无论在游戏的制作后感,还是在个人网页 [2] 上,都只是说不为什么,只是因为想写。因此剧本要表现的意思,读者均有其不同的揣测,而作者在SIDE 2nd中亦说“这些意见都应该是正确的”,他本人并不对剧本的意思另外加以解释。 

在SIDE 2nd发表后,电子小说中完成两个故事之后出现的后记中,表达了这个故事的主题。而片岡とも在一则关于narcissu中的访问中,亦表示“可能只是为尾声的数行字而写SIDE 2nd的”。 


Narcissu 3rd -Die Dritte Welt- (水仙花3)

发行日期: 2009-04-27 | 限制级: 否 | 开发商: STAGE NANA(ステージ☆なな)







佐倉 瀬津美 (暂无译名)

CV: 綾川 りの

Age in Narcissu: 22
Age in Narcissu Side 2nd: 15

Setsumi has a childlike physique. She has a taciturn and stoic kind of personality. She loves cars and is knowledgeable about them. Because of her terminal illness, she has no friends and is always seen alone. After many years of receiving treatment, she became totally desperate about everything - life or time, or each day passing doesn't matter to her anymore. It is just like she stated once: "My time came to a halt". Everything is very painful to her because she was left behind alone as the world around her continued to move on.

In Narcissu, she met Atou Yuu, a new resident of the hospital's 7th floor, the hospice, and for a short moment did she come to know something like hope. They escaped together and headed to Awajishima, to watch the beautiful blooming narcissus. Along the way, they grew attached to each other and the girl found herself emotional again, happy with her new skirt, blushing... At the end of their journey, she asked for a bikini, and after a long day of playing at the beach, she went into the sea and ended her very life./

In Narcissu Side 2nd, when she was still an outpatient at her age of 15, she met a resident of the hospital's 7th floor, one of hospice's patients, called Himeko. Their bond grew quickly as Himeko and Setsumi enjoyed their summer days together.

Edited from url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissu & Neechin.net

イリス (暂无译名)

CV: 平井 理子

A Little Iris chapter. Iris at 8 years old.

ヨハン (暂无译名)

CV: 山田 亮

A Little Iris chapter.

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【Gal】【PC/汉化】水仙3 / narcissu 3rd -Die Dritte Welt-  - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/汉化】水仙3 / narcissu 3rd -Die Dritte Welt- 


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