主人公二宫大悟是青叶学院的学生。 他有一个年长的青梅竹马叫今井加奈,从小他就对她有一种淡淡的好感。
几年前的七夕节那天。 当加奈告诉他自己要去县外的大学当老师时,主人公鼓起勇气向她表白了。 然而,由于主人公当时还是个孩子,对加奈来说只是个 “小弟弟”,他很容易就被拒绝了。 不过,主人公并没有气馁,而是在七夕的田作条上许下了愿望:”希望有一天,我还能和姐姐花名一起看星星。
她的愿望没有实现,但几年后(现在),当哈娜娜大学毕业回到家乡时,环境迫使她搬到了主人公家。 此外,花名被派往青叶学园担任英语教师,对主人公来说,这本该是 “与梦中的姐姐老师惊心动魄的同居生活”。…….。 这些期待在同居的第一天就破灭了。 哈娜完全不会做家务,而且睡眠质量很差,主人公不得不 “照顾哈娜”。 主人公对理想与现实的差距感到困惑,但他还是尽力为花尽心尽力,他还想在今年的七夕节上再次向花表白。
与此同时,加奈的朋友、学校的护理老师海堂美智留也因故来到主人公家居住。 她对花名和主人公之间的关系很感兴趣,并试图通过对难以下定决心的主人公进行劝说,让他和花名走到一起。……。
As you like~星降る夜にロマンスを~ (暂无译名)
发行日期: 2005-07-29 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: Nail
Our protagonist Ninomiya Daigo attends Aoba Academy, where his childhood friend Kana was recently appointed as the new English teacher after finishing university in another city. However, Kana moves to Daigo's house to some reason and she's completely unable to do any housework, so it's up to Daigo to take care of her! However, Daigo does his best in order to make her fall with him and answer his confession in the next Tanabata festival.
However, future nurse Michiru Kaido also moves into Daigo's house, and she seems particularly interested in Kana and Daigo's relationship...
CV: やなせ なつみ
An English teacher at Aoba School, this is her first year teaching. She's a childhood friend of the protagonist. She's easygoing, honest and very enthusiastic about education. Her classes are very popular and easy to understand.
CV: 七生 みこと
A good-looking, talented woman, Michiru is Aoba's school nurse. This is her second year at the school. She acts quite elegantly in public, but in private she's rude and crude.
CV: カンザキ カナリ
A freshman at Aoba School, she's been hanging out in the nurse's office because she has no friends.
CV: 春日 アン
A sophomore at Aoba School, Ayumi is a classmate of the protagonist. She's well-behaved, attractive, talented, and friendly to everyone. In other words, she's flawless. However, she has no experience in love.
CV: 暂无
![图片[1] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】As you like~星降る夜にロマンスを~ - Hikarinagi]( you like~星降る夜にロマンスを~/1.jpg )
![图片[2] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】As you like~星降る夜にロマンスを~ - Hikarinagi]( you like~星降る夜にロマンスを~/2.jpg )
![图片[3] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】As you like~星降る夜にロマンスを~ - Hikarinagi]( you like~星降る夜にロマンスを~/3.jpg )